Our recruitment process begins each year during the Fall Semester. You may view the current training schedule below, but volunteers should look to VITA emails for the most up-to-date meeting information. We ask that volunteers attend all mandatory training sessions and/or give us notice of conflicts such as class, work, or THON obligations. Remember that all volunteers (new & prior) are required to pass the IRS volunteer certification exams each year.
- Increase understanding of personal income taxes
- Build your resume
- Develop skills in working with others
- Personal satisfaction of helping others
- Reference outside of your academic area
- Camaraderie/Fun
Roles and Requirements
- Greeter: Welcomes and directs clients to their appointments and verifies client identities.
- Complete the Volunteer Standards of Conduct Test (10-item test) by Jan. 10, 2024. Complete the test online at VITA/TCE
- Attend the training for schedulers or greeters on January 23, 2024.
- Inform the VITA Coordinator of the role (scheduler or greeter) you intend to hold by December 8, 2023 or sooner. The latest possible date to indicate your interest as a scheduler or greeter is January 8, 2024. However, all slots for these positions may be filled by that date.
- Respond to the e-mail asking for the days and time you can volunteer. The e-mail will be sent after January 11, 2024 to those who submit the Form 13615—Standards of Conduct.
- Scheduler: Answers calls and manages appointments through the online booking system.
- Same requirements as Greeter
- Preparer: Uses taxpayer documentation to complete a tax return.
- Complete the Volunteer Standards of Conduct Test (10-item test) by Jan. 10, 2024. (See Publication 6744 p. 11-17)
- Complete the Intake/Interview and Quality Review Training (To pass, answer 8 of 10 items correctly). See VITA/TCE Central, last item under Quick Links.
- Complete the Basic and Advanced Certification Tests. See Publication 6744 for test/retest questions.
- Optional: Before you complete the online Basic and Advance certification tests, you can check the accuracy of your exam items one time by sending the answers for the Test/Retests (see pp. 7-9 of Publication 6744) to the VITA Coordinator. Incorrect responses will be identified.
- Respond to the e-mail asking for the days and time you can volunteer. The e-mail will be sent after January 11, 2024 to those who submit the Form 13615—Standards of Conduct.
- Intern: Welcomes tax-payers to their appointments and assures all proper documentation is present. Serves as tax preparer and Supervisor as needed.
- Register for internship credit subject to faculty and department approval. See Prof. Scott Collins.
- Complete the Volunteer Standards of Conduct Test (10-item test) by Jan. 10, 2024. (See Publication 6744 p. 11-17)
- Complete the Intake/Interview and Quality Review Training (To pass, answer 8 of 10 items correctly). See VITA/TCE Central, last item under Quick Links.
- Complete the Basic and Advanced Certification Tests. See Publication 6744 for test/retest questions.
- Complete the Foreign Student Certification Test
- Complete NIL Training Module
- Optional: Before you complete the online Basic and Advance certification tests, you can check the accuracy of your exam items one time by sending the answers for the Test/Retests (see pp. 7-9 of Publication 6744) to the VITA Coordinator. Incorrect responses will be identified.
- Respond to the e-mail asking for the days and time you can volunteer. The e-mail will be sent after January 11, 2024 to those who submit the Form 13615—Standards of Conduct.
- Take an additional quiz administered by the VITA Coordinator to assess your understanding of critical tax concepts including SALT you should know without having to reference the Volunteer Resource Guide- Publication 4012. If you successfully completed the certification tests, this additional quiz should not be difficult. The quiz will be after January 16, 2024. Date, location and times to be announced.
- Supervisor: Oversees a VITA shift and ensures returns are prepared accurately.
- Complete the Volunteer Standards of Conduct Test (10-item test) by Jan. 10, 2024. (See Publication 6744 p. 11-17)
- Complete the Intake/Interview and Quality Review Training (To pass, answer 8 of 10 items correctly). See VITA/TCE Central, last item under Quick Links.
- Complete the Basic and Advanced Certification Tests. See Publication 6744 for test/retest questions.
- Complete the Foreign Student certification.
- Optional: Before you complete the online Basic and Advance certification tests, you can check the accuracy of your exam items one time by sending the answers for the Test/Retests (see pp. 7-9 of Publication 6744) to the VITA Coordinator. Incorrect responses will be identified.
- Respond to the e-mail asking for the days and time you can volunteer. The e-mail will be sent after January 11, 2024 to those who submit the Form 13615—Standards of Conduct.
- Take an additional quiz administered by the VITA Coordinator to assess your understanding of critical tax concepts including SALT you should know without having to reference the Volunteer Resource Guide- Publication 4012. If you successfully completed the certification tests, this additional quiz should not be difficult. The quiz will be after January 16, 2024. Date, location and times to be announced.
- Complete the Volunteer Standards of Conduct Test (10-item test) by Jan. 10, 2024. (See Publication 6744 p. 11-17)
2024 Tax Season Schedule
210 Keller Bldg TBD |
General Interest Meeting Bingo Night (Everyone is welcome! Food will be provided!) |
Oct. 22 | 6:00pm-7:30pm Oct. 30 | 6:00pm-7:30pm Nov. 5 | 6:00pm-7:30pm Nov. 14 | 6:00pm-7:30pm Nov. 20 | 6:00pm-7:30pm To Be Announced Dec. 4 | 6:00pm-7:30pm Jan. 14 | 6:00pm-7:30pm Jan. 16 | 6:00pm-7:30pm Jan. 21 & 23 | 6:00pm-7:30pm Jan. 27-30 | 5:00pm-7:00pm |
210 Keller Bldg 210 Keller Bldg 210 Keller Bldg 210 Keller Bldg 210 Keller Bldg TBD 210 Keller Bldg 210 Keller Bldg 210 Keller Bldg 210 Keller Bldg 325 Boucke Bldg |
Introduction / Ethics and Client Intake Training Tax Forms and Software Basic Returns Advanced Returns Foreign Student Returns (Attend this training if you wish to complete foreign student returns in the spring!) Office Hours (Assistance provided to volunteers as needed) Make up session if any previous are cancelled State Returns Local Returns Test help for last minute test takers 4 sessions to train on intake interviews, return pick up, greeting clients, and general site procedures. You will be expected to attend 1 of the 4 sessions. |
325 Boucke Bldg 325 Boucke Bldg |
Training for Schedulers and Greeters Supervisor's Training |
Deadlines & Important Dates
Jan. 27 - Deadline for passing certification exams and handing in the Volunteer Standard of Conduct Agreement (IRS 13615). This will be covered in the trainings, and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out!
Feb. 1 - OPENING DAY Mar. 3 - Mar. 9 - Spring Break, no appointments Apr. 10 - Last intake appointments Apr. 15 - End of the 2024 Tax Season! |